Thursday, December 16, 2010

UnStuff book review

God . . . and stuff. Everything in the universe falls into one of these two categories. Which is more important to you? (It’s not a trick question.) In Unstuff: Making Room in Your Life for What Really Matters, popular authors Hayley and Michael DiMarco take a close look at what’s in your wallet, your heart, your house, and your mind to reveal the pleasures and perils of stuff—and the joy, peace, and freedom that comes from learning to live with less.
In this real-life look at “how it’s done,” the DiMarcos take an uncomfortably close look at the cost of their love affair with stuff. They start by Unstuffing their house—getting rid of anything they don’t need by giving away, selling, or throwing out items that only add to their love for more. Then, kicking it up a notch, this family of three travels across the country with nothing more than they can fit in a motor home . . . and discovers that the really important stuff goes with them.

This book is 6 sections full of ideas and personal stories from the authors as to how they experienced a releasing of their stuff. These sections include:

"Wallet Stuff" which includes work, paying bills, shopping, and all things financial.
"Mind Stuff" talks about instant gratification, depression, drama, worrying about what others think.
"Body Stuff" is all about eating and weight issues and fatigue.
"Love Stuff" delves into sexual addiction, being selfish or lonely, and how giving can replace love.
"Worship Stuff" includes wanting to be comfortable, not praying, reading the Word or just being lazy.
"Future Stuff" talks about avoiding certain triggers, living within your means and learning to rest.

Disclaimer: Tyndale House Publishers provided me with a complimentary copy of this book in order to facilitate an honest review. Others may or may not have the same experience(s) with this book and/or company.

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