Here are 10 tips you can do:
1. Chew more and try to eat more slowly- it takes 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain it's full.
2. Take smaller bites
3. Do NOT take seconds
4. Leave some of every type of food on your plate
5. Take smaller portions and leave serving bowls of food in the kitchen
6. use a smaller plate
7. try to put your fork down between every bite
8. Eat only at the table, NOT in front of the TV, computer or at the ktichen counter
9. Eat three bites of every new food
10. Drink a large glass of water 15 minutes before each meal.
Friday AM:
And back from bootcamp, kids are off to school, hubby off to work and I am working from home. I was told by a few ladies that it was a HARD workout today. That made me feel better. I did it, did the entire 30 mniutes. I gotta tell you though the last 10 minutes were hard. I had to keep breathing and listening to Mark. My legs burned but I felt great after the workout. Right now my legs are shaky.
We did squats, push ups, wall sits. My partner told me that after her 1st workout she was sore for 3 days. She said to make sure i drank my water and kept walking around. I really loved the ladies in class and apprecaited the advice and encouragement. It sure makes me look forward to monday.
Cardio intervals tomorrow and Spa Food journaling has been ok I was sick and didn't eat much for 2 days so that made it easy. I encourage everyone to keep a food journal even if you aren't exercising. It is interesting what you really eat and don't realize it. Okay gotta go drink water.
Saturday :
Woke up really sore this morning. My legs are still tender. It is hard to walk up and down the stairs. Other then that I feel great.
Met the other 3 ladies at Olympus Spa this morning. What an awesome time we had, sitting in the rooms - whispering quietly ;-) It was very relaxing and helped with the soreness. I really like the Charcoal and sand room. The heat felt great!!
I find if I drink all my water i am not hungry and the carving feeling goes away. So I am really trying to get all my water in.
I played Wii Fit with the kids awhile ago that was fun. The game wasn't too happy with it becasue it had been so many days since I had been on it. Sure doesn't like that. I love even how technology holds us accountable.
It's been a beautiful day here today! I am thankful for the blue skies we had before the rain started in.
Praying for Haiti. All the families out there trying to contact their loved ones.
2 Corinthians 2:14 Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.
Monday Week 2:
Off work today and kids are all out of school- MLK Day.
What a windy blustery morning. But then the sun came out and there were blue skies. The workout this morning was awesome. We did 5 stations that we roatated every 60 seconds. My legs are doing much better today. I am not as sore as i was last week.
The food has been a bit challenging. I find when I get stressed and can't control a situtation I turn to food. Becasue it's something I can control. Here is a great devotion that I am going to focus on to help with that:
Beloved, as long as your focus is on things that you have no personal control over, you will be subject to regret, disappointment and accusation. But, I would have you release what you cannot control and to put your faith and trust in Me. Only then will you be able to see that I am doing a very great and powerful work in your midst, My people, as I establish My kingdom in, around and through you. Expect change, and resolve to be flexible enough to move with grace, says the Lord.
Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. I hope everyone has a great day and enjoys the day off if you have it.
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